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The academic evaluation package provides clients with standardized, nationally normed assessments capturing all major academic skills

and academic processing areas. 


  • detailed report capturing the client's current learning profile (academic abilities, strengths, weaknesses, discrepancies)

  • nationally normed standard scores and percentile rankings that are used and understood by schools, doctors, neuropsychologists, educators, therapists

  • data is used to design a concrete action plan with suggested recommendations, accommodations, and resources

  • confirms or rules out neurodiverse learning profiles, including dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, twice exceptionality, advanced learner profiles

  • can be used to design academic intervention plans, to share with outside agencies such as schools, therapists, tutors, or doctors, and to provide client with clarity on next steps to best support the learner.  


Deliberately designed individualized instruction based on the client's specific needs and learning profile.  


  • Student data is collected and analyzed to design and implement an explicit remediation plan that focuses on building specific skills that are in need of improvement

  • Data-driven approach with frequent progress monitoring based on individual learning goals to monitor, guide, and adjust the teaching-learning cycle 

  • Emphasis on creating a trauma-informed learning environment to maximize learner growth, confidence, and success  

  • Specializing in neurodiverse learning profiles: 

    • dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, specific learning disabilities, twice exceptionality, social-emotional regulation difficulties, and co-existing profiles 

  • Various instructional programs, curriculums, and approaches that aren't accessible in most schools

    • Structured Literacy approach (Orton-Gillingham) based on the science of reading for students with dyslexia, dyslexic tendencies, or below benchmark skills in foundational literacy

    • Evidence-based interventions following an explicit, sequential scope and sequence based on the science of reading, writing, math, and learning.  

  • Open communication with parents, teachers, and other outside agencies to maximize student success including detailed lesson notes and progress monitoring data.

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Deliberately designed collaborative partnership to educate and empower families that maximizes social, emotional, and academic wellness


  • Supporting families in understanding and navigating the special education process, including the Evaluation Process and Individual Education Plans (IEP's)

  • Educating families on their child's neurodivergent profile and/or disability to improve family dynamics and parent/child relationships

    • dyslexia​

    • twice-exceptionality & gifted/higly capable

    • specific learning disabilities

    • ADHD

    • speech/language disabilities

    • social/emotional wellness 

  • Informing families of their rights pertaining to The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Special Education law

  • Providing a big-picture understanding of the child's educational path with a detailed review of the child's pertinent past (outside reports, educational records, IEP's, progress notes, etc.) and a clear timeline of what to expect going forward

  • Education and guidance on understanding Individual Education Plans (IEP) vs 504 Plans   

  • Supporting families in communicating and advocating on behalf of their child with outside agencies

  • Collaborating with families to help design individualized learning plans for their child

    • homeschool support​

    • remote/online learning

    • advanced learning opportunities

    • remediation plan support

    • school selection guidance and support (private, public, remote/online, homeschool curriculum, boarding, post-graduate)

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 Coaching and consulting with schools, groups, and agencies using an evidenced-based teaching and learning approach to maximize students' academic progress and social-emotional wellness. 


  • Review systems within an agency or school to identify and improve student success using a Multi-Tiered System of Support model. 

  • Support schools and teachers in:

    • understanding data; identifying patterns and trends within a system to guide systemic change

    • identifying growth areas based on school-administered and collected data:

      • professional growth plans to include evidenced-based, systematic, explicit approaches based on the science of learning to ensure students are provided with instruction that maximizes learning and progress. 

      • supporting schools and teachers in evidenced-based instruction and intervention selection, including professional development opportunities in the science of reading, as well as the science of teaching and learning.

    • designing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support including master schedule design, intervention selection, horizontal and vertical instruction recommendations across teams and grade levels to maximize efficiency, effectiveness and student progress.

  • Special education systems coaching:

    • ​​Using an MTSS framework to support special education systems including referrals, eligibility-determination, intervention selection, and disability understanding
    • strengths-based; trauma-informed; learner-centered coaching with an emphasis on expectation that students in special education can thrive when provided with appropriate evidenced-based interventions in areas of identified need.

    • designing intervention schedules to maximize student progress including selecting and implementing effective progress monitoring tools to guide intervention and instruction.


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